ألفُ سلامٍ سماويٍّ قرمزيّ يرتسمُ في أحداقِ عيونِ متابعي أُنثى مِنْ رَحِم السَّماءْ...أهلاً بكم حيثُ للحروفِ صوتٌ وللكلماتِ مُتَنَفَّس..

الاثنين، 11 أبريل 2011


The life is good and bad
Sometime you feel happy and sometime sad

You are cry when you lose someone
And before that you was happy and fun

We are all a human
Everyone, men and women

Everyone should be responsibility
Because we will be die in the reality

All of time I said "No body as me"
But in the truth, everybody equal, he, she and me


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